SDYF success rate has increased by over 300% in one year. SDYF 2017 had 890 attendees. Its attendance rate tripled in its second year with over 4,000 attendees: SDYF 2019 then again increase another 1000 participants to over 5,000 attendees.
What will 2023 bring? As we continue to build our name expand our marketing outreach, along with open our vending area free to the public in the center of a town of over 30,000 residents we are Namastoked to see who shows up this year!
SDYF success rate has increased by over 300% in one year. SDYF 2017 had 890 attendees. Its attendance rate tripled in its second year with over 4,000 attendees: SDYF 2019 then again increase another 1000 participants to over 5,000 attendees.
What will 2023 bring? As we continue to build our name expand our marketing outreach, along with open our vending area free to the public in the center of a town of over 30,000 residents we are Namastoked to see who shows up this year!
Social Media Reach:
over 20K followers for combined social media
over 700K reach every 28 days on Facebook event invite
Age and Sex Demographics of 2018 festival goers:
32% men
68% woman
Median age 32-40
Magazines, Newspapers,
Online Publicity:
Featured in over 350 stories i ncludng but limited to Yoga Journal, Yoga Digest, The Union Tribune, and San Diego Magazine
Speech by the Mayor and City Council during Opening Ceremony
2018 Festival Statistics:
Attendees: over 10K interest response with an attendance of over 4k festival goers
Vendors: 60
Teachers: 28
Yoga Business Partnerships: 90+
Sponsors: 12
Nonprofits: 10
2019 Festival Statistics:
Attendees: over 15K interest response with an attendance of over 5k festival goers
Vendors: 75
Teachers: 32
Yoga Business Partnerships: 90+
Sponsors: 15
Nonprofits: 15
Email Outreach
over 8k contacts on SDYF email list with a 80% open rate
Billboard Marketing
2018 Billboards: over 1.7 million impressions on 3 billboards over 6 weeks
2019 Billboards: over 8 million impressions on 5 billboards for 5 weeks
2023 proposed invement Billboards: over 15 million impressions on 6 billboards for 4 weeks
TV Coverage:
Various local news channels including but not limited to Fox 5, ABC 10, Channel 8, THE CW and San Diego 7 having covered SDYF with live footage and various stories prior and during the event.
Radio Coverage:
KFBM + 100.7, AM 760
SDYF 2020-2022: SAVASANA
SDYF 2023 plans to increase these marketing revenues by at least 44%