to provide healing for all in the most positively, uplifting, healthy, happy way
to inspire and change lives for the better
to create a conscious and expansive gathering truly depicting the medicine that is yoga encompassing all parts that are this ancient practice
to honor the BIGNESS of this life-changing event presenting it in powerful, conscious way that exudes professionalism, organization, and structure yet creates THE space for all participants to experience opening, growth and evolvement through purity and freedom
to positively transform the lives of every individual who attends or works with this event from a mental, physical, energetic, emotional, spiritual, conscious, subconscious and super conscious level
to create awareness as San Diego as a defining location for yoga in the world
to celebrate the yoga commUNITY that has been built in San Diego
to welcome, invite and encourage people to experience San Diego and its yoga scene
to nurture the teachers and students of the San Diego Yoga community giving them a 4-day festival to celebrate health and wellness and showcase themselves (their teachings, knowledges to be shared, studios, etc)
to develop purposeful, synergistic partnerships with conscious organizations and businesses
to have this business exude righteousness and in turn bring prosperity for all involved
to encourage and support holistic organizations in the local community and the expanded yoga community
to nurture a mentality of abundance in energetic and material exchange.
to build an ever-evolving festival that occurs once a year in our sunny, yoga-filled city
to play an important role in the growth of collective consciousness
to build somethihng that goes against the "norm, "for this event does not create stress but flows and creates inspiration and balance for all involved