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SDYF is current recruiting committed, selfless, positive people to volunteer at the 2023 event! Volunteer positions are limited. Fill out the application if you can commit + agree to the following: 

Important Note: We are not looking for volunteers who are doing this just to get a free ticket to the event or market or networking their own business/fulfill some sort of self-fulfilling agenda. In giving you will always receive. We are looking for volunteers who believe and support the event, have missed it over the past few years and want to simply help. They want to donate time and energy to make this great event even greater. Their intentions are pure and supportive. Please only apply if you want to give and help selflessly. Please do not volunteer if you cannot commit to 100% of the asked duties. It is important for the event's success and organization that who signs up fulfills their commitments.

Volunteers will fulfill the following commitments:


  • Hang up a minimum of 5 flyers + give out a minimum of 30 postcards prior to the event

  • Volunteer one shift (Shift A: Saturday  Sept 9 + Sunday Sept 10: 8:00-10:00 AM: FULL; Shift B: Saturday, Sept. 9 9:00-2:00 PM, Shift C: Saturday, Sept. 9, 2:00-7:00 PM, Shift D: Sunday, Sept. 10, 9:00-2:00 PM, Shift E: Sunday Sept. 10, 2:00-7:00 PM)

  • Attend one in person meeting at Yoga With Shawna (720 Highway 75, Imperial Beach, CA 91932) on Saturday, July 29, 2:00 PM or Saturday, Aug, 19, 10:15 AM. The meeting will be about 30 minutes. Here you will officially sign up for your shift + receive the flyers + postcards to give out to others. 

San Diego is gifting 4, 2-day tickets for San Diego Yoga Festival on Saturday + Sunday, Sept 9 + 10 2023 to our volunteers. 


To volunteer for the event, you must come to a volunteer meeting. Meetings are held at Yoga With Shawna, 720 Highway 75, Imperial Beach, CA 91932. Meetings will be about 30 minutes. Which meeting will you attend?
What shift would you like to sign up for?
What job would you like to sign up for during the event? You can choose more than one if you have a few jobs you'd like to do. Please choose what you feel you'd be best and most helpful at.

Thanks for submitting! We will get back to you soon with more information + our decision. 

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